Dear Andre

Today you turn 7 years old. Today my heart breaks to know that you are growing so fast and that I can’t keep you, just the way you are right now, forever.

You are  funny and full of heart. You find humor in so many things. While you are not extremely emotional, when you are, you are with your whole heart. You love food and eating and you love running around burning it off. You love to play ball and explore. Right now you love to please people and make them happy. You love your big brother wheher you know it or not and want to make him proud of you. You are such a great big brother and your little sis adores you. You are probably her best friend right now as she always wants to play and please you.

You are smart and are reading on an end of 2nd grade reading level. You want to speed through your homework and get on to the next thing. You want to soak up as much learning as possible. You love your teacher, Mrs. Dissly, and are always thinking of ways to make her happy. Right now you don’t have a favorite subject because you love them all.

You make my heart melt with your big warm hugs and bright smile. Your eyes smile when your mouth does and it truly rubs off on me and makes me want to do the same. You are full of love and compassion and you say the funniest and most loving things.You are so expressive: You love to devour food and you close your eyes as if tasting every crumb. You laugh uncontrollably loud at funny things at the movie theater.

This year you were baptized and the night before, you told me that you already feel the Spirit inside of you. You try hard to follow after God and always remember to say your prayers.

Andre, I love you and your great big heart. I love that you were given to our family, that God chose me to be your mama. Thank you for your smiles and hugs and kisses and giant belly laughs.

Today we celebrated you in every way you wanted. We had our annual tradition of IHOP for your birthday breakfast and then we went to walmart so you could spend your money. After that we went to see “yogi bear” and then we came home to make your birthday dessert. You chose “sludge” brownies, which are really”mudslide brownies”, but I think you got a little confused.

Andre, today you are 7 and I am so thankful for the 7 years I have had getting to know you, helping you grow. Know that I am doing the best I know how to do. Thank you for forgiving me when I am wrong or when I am quick tempered. Thank you for loving me despite of my faults.

Love you, baby.

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