just for now.

Today, we played, and we dined

and we painted little toenails pink.

Today we laughed and snuggled.

We cuddled and lay in bed watching DJ Lance Rock.

It was so nice just being with you

and seeing

and feeling

and loving you.

Pretending and taking time with nothing to keep us from just being…together.

My heart aches to know that you’ll be gone to school next year and you’ll be off growing up and growing into you.

so every day until then, just for now,

let’s cuddle and snuggle and why don’t you look up at me with your big bright eyes and press your hands to my cheeks,

let me drink in your warmth and the gift that is you.

  • LOVE This reminds me of how I felt while cuddling Morgan today. She will be four in a few weeks and I told her it was ok to always come sit on my lap to hug or dance together. Thank you for sharing!

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