• Reflection Week | Day 1

    For the last few years in the days following Christmas, I try and take an inventory of the previous 12 months. A week or so full of review, digging into what I happened upon and what happened upon me. I spend some time asking the Lord to draw out memories, circumstances, conversations, and decisions that

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  • Finding Freedom

    Is it possible that silence can be deafening? The air is thick with it and when I strain to listen, all I hear are the thoughts I want to get out of my head. We sit on opposite corners of the sectional, as far as we can get from each other and still be in

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  • What can we learn from Spilled Milk?

    Beware of anything that can split your oneness with Him, causing you to see yourself as separate from Him. Nothing is as important as staying right spiritually. And the only solution is a very simple one— “Come to Me….” The intellectual, moral, and spiritual depth of our reality as a person is tested and measured

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  • Great Anticipation

    Merriam-Webster defines anticipation as the act of looking forward. Like you, I’ve had many occurrences and events in life that I’ve looked forward to. I have looked forward to birthdays, celebrations, moves. I’ve looked forward to meals, weekend getaways, a night out with the girls. These all pale in comparison to the anticipation I have for

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  • Run Well

    A few years ago, I was awakened from a sort of slumber that I had been in. I was running a race that was not mine to run. The atmosphere was beautiful and filled with people I loved. I truly thought that this was where I was supposed to be. And it was. But just

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  • When Victory Begins

    A letter to my own heart… Dear Christie, When you are tired, worn down, or frustrated, remember this: A thousand [many more times that, I’m sure] victories have already been won for you. The victory of your existence, that here, today, you live and breathe. The victory of your heart won over by Jesus, the victory of you digging in

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