on being brave

This life…This life is nothing that I ever imagined it would be. This life is becoming everything that my heart of hearts hopes it will be. But it’s a scary transition, this letting go of me and clinging to Him thing. This part of me that is too afraid to let go in fear that I won’t have proper footing, in fear that I’ll fail Him and fall.

Where am I called to be brave?

  • In the moments when I am in conversation and bring Him up because, well, I feel led to, even when it may be uncomfortable.
  • In the letting go of things I’ve let control my life because I felt deep obligation to them or to someone, when I’ve really lost sight of the most important obligation: my family.
  • I’m called to be brave enough to trust that things will be just fine, that He makes all things work together for my good.
  • I’m asked to spend a little more time in deep conversations, in mending and healing brokeness.
  • To grow deeper in relationship with my Father.
  • I’m being asked to be brave and share my story and journey when I am afraid of what people will think of my imperfect mess.
  • To explore my spiritual gifts and learn how to function in them.

A few of you have commented to me that this blog has helped you to know you are not alone on this spiritual journey awakening. I know that I sometimes envy relationships that some of my friends have with God. I want to fall into Him so easily as if there were no effort in it at all. The good news is, the more I try, the more it will happen.

Last weekend, my pastor gave an amazing sermon. One that spoke directly to my heart and woke my soul up a little bit. To summarize, God Chose ME. Me. Before the world ever began, He picked me out. How thankful my heart is that He chose me. And I have news for you…He chose you, too.

Where am I called to be brave?  To believe that I am holy and blameless, to accept that everything I need I already have, I just have to accept that it’s there and give me to Him. To be brave enough to choose Him…

Holy Spirit, I pray, today and everyday, that You would help me to harness and nurture the gifts that You’ve already given to me: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. Father, help me to recognize when I’m not being brave, when I don’t have the courage and reach down Your hand to give me a gentle nudge. Help my heart to trust in Your goodness. Amen.

Where are you called to have courage today?


Gifts 88 – 97

technically savvy friends who are willing to help me explore


spice scented candles


sweet pre-school teachers

art made by 9, 6 & 4 year olds

old furniture to refinish

chances to capture real joy

clean water

answered prayers

  • thank you christie for sharing this. . You opened up your heart and were brave to post something that someone else needed to hear as well.

    You are an amazing woman and it’s no wonder God chose YOU.

    Thank you.

  • It’s amazing where He takes us in our journey. You my friend are an amazing woman! I still remember the first time we met and I am so glad we did. You challenge me. It is no surprise to me that He chose YOU!!

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