God is Good

One October morning, I was sitting in on a meeting. I honestly don’t remember why I  was there or what the meeting was about. It hadn’t started yet and we were just sitting around the table talking. A friend had gotten a phone call so we waited. When he got off the phone, he’d said that his nephew had been having seizures and they’d found a brain tumor. His nephew was 5. So we sat there, quietly at the table…and we prayed.

I don’t know why I was there in that meeting on that day. But I continued to pray for Sterling. I’d read updates on the blog that his mother and father had started. I started following his dad on twitter and soon after his mother, too. I became inspired and awed by this story. I don’t really know this family, but I know that their faith has inspired me. I honestly don’t know how to put it in words. This little 5 year old boy just knows that God is for him, that God will take care of him. This couple knows and gives glory to God in all circumstances. I would like to think that my faith is this deep and strong.

Anyhow…A few months back, I did this family home movie for my friends. Gretchen had this idea and asked if I might be willing to do this same thing for Sterling and his family. What she didn’t know was that I’d been thinking and hoping that I could for a while now. But because I wasn’t really in touch with them, I didn’t really know them, and well, I didn’t want to just be this complete stranger showing up and saying “Hey! I know you don’t know me but I feel like I know you!”…I just let it go. But then Gretchen asked…And so last week, we did. We made a Live Love Movie for Sterling and his family to celebrate this new normal that they have…It just so happened to fall on the 2 month marker of Sterling being seizure-free. Today, Sterling is free to be himself. His family is free of worry. They are all getting used to this new gift of living, and it’s not taking much to do it! I rejoice with them!

Ok, so the movie’s not done, but I was cleaning up my memory cards because I’m heading to Costa Rica next week and I stumbled upon this photo. I couldn’t help but share it. God is so good.


and, well, I just couldn’t leave his sweet sisters out of it:-)


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  • Christie,

    I just clicked on this link sitting in the back of a room in Durango, CO while a speaker is talking about the empty tomb. My eyes are full of tears as I look at these pictures and see Sterling’s smile. You may not know that docs at one time said surgery may effect his smile…but there it is.

    Thank you for your gift. Awesome gift. Enjoy Costa Rica I hope both your camera and your heart capture much.

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