Reflecting | Costa Rica (personal entry)

I never knew that one could fall in love in a week. My line of thought has always been that love grows and takes time. It’s not the case. I’m so blessed to have had the opportunity to document this trip, this place, these people. As someone who sat on the sidelines for pretty much the whole week, my perspective might not be the same as the others who were directly involved. I was able to see stories unfold before my eyes. Stories of men choosing to be in a hard and difficult place, choosing to love children, help them grow, give them good male role models to look up to. I was able to see stories of missionaries with hearts full of love, encouragement and faith who choose to be in uncomfortable places for even just one opportunity to share the love of Christ. Stories of children, full of happiness, choosing to see good and light and love. Stories of children given love and opportunity.

I was talking to a friend last night and she said that usually one place will stick out more than another. For my new friend Carly, she loved the village of the tribe of Bri Bri, for a few others it was the children’s home. For me it was la carpio. Perhaps it was because we spent two days there, but i think it’s more likely that I love to see stories of such great hope. With Mauri beginning a weekly women’s group who will do crafts, projects that will help them to gain an income, bible study and discussion about life’s issues; with Antonio and Flaco creating opportunity for the children there, opportunities for them to learn about Jesus, school and more…To see these children happy, even in their circumstance; to try to help them to grow and understand that when they make the good and right choices, they can become more than what society would destine for them; To see people eager to learn, be educated and empower themselves…yes, i think this is where my heart is.

With every mission trip, they try hard to give us a “fun day”. A day with no work, a day for fellowship. On our day we zip-lined and rafted. As I zipped down and landed at the third line. I became overwhelmed with God’s goodness. How amazing it is to “fly” through the Costa Rican rainforest, to see all of the amazing creation He made for us. We rafted down the river and under these huge trees that spread their branches far over the river. To look up and see us covered by these beautiful things, I was overjoyed. Thank you, God for this blessing, for showing me your love, for placing me in the paths of my new (and old) friends. Thank you for growing my heart, for creating my every moment to bring me to this place.

I never expected my heart to break a little when our time in CR came to a close…it broke a lot. But I’m excited that God has awakened a new part of my heart that I didn’t know about. I knew I’d been feeling a calling to document stories, to work in ministry. I’m praying that I’ll be able to return to CR soon to love on these kids and to help them grow.

The following are photos I took while trying to catch the sun rise over the Caribbean coast. Unfortunately, the sky was cast with clouds and the sun didn’t show until much later…It didn’t matter; God showed up, faithful as always, to help me see beyond and see beauty within.

  • Beautiful! I’m so glad you left a piece of your heart in LaCarpio! It’s a good place for it to be 🙂 love seeing Coasta Rixa through your eyes. Love you!

  • Thank you Christie for this wonderful snapshot of our week. As I read your blog I am flooded with emotions. I was glad to read from you that I am not the only one feeling overwhelmed by our journey through Costa Rica. I too hope to return soon.

  • Christie,

    What an amazing stories my friend, can’t wait for you to come back! Teh last photo of your feet in the sand reminds me of the poem where Jesus is carrying you. I miss you

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