
I heard it coming around the corner. There’s no confusing it for anything else, the big brown truck. I think the kids can hear it better than an ice cream truck and they seem to always think that the truck is there to deliver something for them.

When the truck drove up and stopped in front of our house I, too, couldn’t help but get excited. And then the driver came out of the truck carrying a big white cooler. I had been expecting a package from my mom and thought it odd that she’d packaged it in a cooler. But then I thought again that maybe my dad had packaged it and, well, honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if he’d packaged books in a cooler, he can be funny that way.

But, no, he handed me the cooler and it was something much better. Fillet Mignon. seriously! and it was addressed to me! I felt like I’d won the lottery! haha! Somebody knows me well to have gifted me with something as delicious as fillet mignon! Thank yous in the form of gourmet food are something I’m a huge fan of! haha!

And it turns out it was from my wonderful friend, Ricky. I’ve know Ricky for a few years now and he’s always been supportive of my business and art. He’s been a sounding board, an encourager and a friend. I’m so happy for him, he’s found a wonderful woman and he jotted across the country to be with her. They’re sealing the deal this summer and asked me to photograph their family while they were here on a quick trip. I couldn’t be happier for them…ok, I could, if they moved back here to Houston. I’m secretly hoping they’ll be here soon.

Thanks, Ricky, for your friendship, for your encouragement and for fillet mignon!! xxo.


