dear mom

Dear Mom,
Have I ever told you thank you? I mean really told you? I know I’ve said it when I call you in frustration with my own children…but i don’t know if I’ve ever let you know how important your mothering has been.

In the bible, there is a verse about raising children in the way they should go. In true interpretation, it means that we, as parents, should raise our children in the way that God intends them to be. You always made an effort to make us feel special in our individual ways. Looking back, there were several times where I didn’t make the best decisions, but you allowed me to make them. There were several times when you could have judged me, but you didn’t. You never gave up, your faith sustained…love prevailed.

I know my teenage years caused you great distress and pain. For that I’m so sorry. But I see now that God was all over it, shaping not only me, but you as well.

Mom, thank you for your tenacity, for your love. Thanks for never giving in or up, for believing in me when I couldn’t have cared any less. Thank you for raising me with morals and values and beliefs and culture. Thank you for your endless tears and endless prayers.

Today, I honor-thank-love you. Happy mother’s day.

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